Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Poison burns merrily

And keeps insects away. And clears noses.

AND KILLS. So keep it away from...nothing at all!

See, this is why Plastic (and men) rock:

" The commissioners of Montgomery County, Indiana, are entertaining the notion of selling off a patch of public property outside the courthouse for the purpose of displaying the Ten Commandments.

Sweet! Now I can buy a plot for a giant penis!

Would they sell me land that's currently on the courthouse plot, perhaps on the southeast side for a similar monument to ancient religious foundations for our society?

What about for a stunning 25 foot penis with the same foot print as their monument? A detailed and visibly engorged erection, to remind us all of our shared cultural roots in pre-historic fertility cults. Right there on the courthouse property.

No? Than you bible-thumping asshats can't have your monument there, either. "

I am so there.

Good day, even if the moofies were a little dodgy. Heehee, Dutch people. I will be hyper-productive! Will need to watch lotsa stuff this holidays.

I love Diamond. I am forming my various gods, and he is included so far. The list of Gods (who all have specialised roles and goals to play) are as follows: Chomsky, Pirsig, Diamond. Lesser Gods or "demi-gods" would include Klein and Martel. Even Tartovsky makes a cameo. I need more Gods. Not enough of them are sexy enough to procreate and leap out of thighs fully formed.

They're OLD and WRINKLED. Eww.

Creepiest job ever: Making dolls.

HELLA creepy thing that would, God and Science forbidding, never happen to me, yet creeps me out to no end: Ectopic Pregnancies.

I'm not a woman and all, despite popular and Min-taec belief, but that shit really creeps me out. Pregnancy on its own is disproportionately mentally disturbing as it is; all those icky (and nutritious) fluids. And the children, oh God, the children. They COME OUT OF YOU. There was a goddamn LIVING THING living inside of you for 9 friggin months. Ewwwww, I prefer to think of it of a form of misdiagnosed obesity.

But it's ectopic!? What, in addition to the fact that there's essential a PARASITE sitting inside of you, it's not where it's meant to be?! What the hell?! I don't think a parasite should exist anywhere inside the body, cause you know, most medical fields say so (Cept for leeches. Good old leeches.).

Yeech. *rant over*

Vaguely depressed about where my life is going. Remember kids, excessive masturbation hurts AND drains you of required body fluids. I think I know perfectly well who i'm talking to, mister hand. I don't need any backtalk from you. Or backhand for that matter.

Why I oughta. Peace out folks.

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