Saturday, August 20, 2005


I realise that I'm posting a little too much, and it's draining me, while leaving shitty posts behind. There's a combination of reasons that i'm posting so much, I'm bored here a lot, I've got a renewed interest in this, writing is fun, etc, etc.

Jared, there are people more emo than you. And possibly more intolerant. Okay, in truth, way more intolerant. Jesus. Goddamn scary.

I can't really think of anything more to say that would not be repeating myself, so i'll stop, you go enjoy your day, eat some cake or something as delicious, possibly some love. Or a cake made with love. That would be killer.

Also, you have authorisation to kill me. I presume you have the good judgment to only use when neccessary and even in that case, sparingly.

Is it me, or are Freudian slips much more pronounced on laptops? I've been making like a bajillion since typing on this thing. All innocent of course. Really.

I finished my two Shadow Saga books, and am supremely confused about the sequels. That afterword threw me off. In fact, I will research it now. Bon nuit, Oyasumi nasai, whatever your time zone is.

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