Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Visions of tunnels and scenes from caves, etc

meditations, etc

As you may have already deduced, i've semi/kinda/sorta decided on not giving you a strictly chronological travelogue diary type thing, and doing the whole random thoughts on a topic thing. So basically, i'm going to keep doing exactly what i've been doing on this blog the entire time, except with more seed thoughts in the form of traveling that i'm doing. With that disclosed, consider this:

You know when you've lost control of your Greader? When you see updates and feeds that you have no idea what they're about. You can't remember when you subscribed to them or what they are or why you subscribed to it. It's official, I can't even control my Greader binges.

My name is Rishi, and I'm a greadaholic.

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