Sunday, July 26, 2009

Who would have thought it

Pretty nearly everyone really

I had an interesting and fun day today. To further explain this would require a lot of backstory and context and necessary and unnecessary justification on my part, which I'm not entirely sure i'm entirely prepared to do at this hour and place and mentality and so on. I'll dispense with the double-doubles (which is another story in itself, albeit definitely shorter and much more delicious, both metaphorically and descriptively) and post what I like most days, which is other peoples' conversation.

This is all to say, I overheard something.

Passing this risque artwork in the National Sculpture Garden, 10-year-old kid runs up to it: Hey look at me!

Parental figure: C'mon Jimmy, stand over there and we'll take your picture. We can pretend that you're a gynecologist!

(I start laughing very awkwardly [both because I was laughing right in the middle of a group of people, and did that guy just crack a vagina joke to a 10-year-old!?] into a jacket sleeve, everyone looks at me and starts laughing)

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