Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Flan in the face

Thom = fetish.

Wait, what does that mean? The possibilities...

That's it, I now know too many people. I saw one of the people from my bridging today. Granted, it actually took me a lot longer than I expected, but jeez, when you see one person everyday that you know, it's ridiculous. I'm going to start a system where I rate people and send out little letters informing them of their status. It'll be like work reviews. I'll even have levels and probationary periods. It'll be all the fun of climbing the corporate ladder, without the requisite financial compensation and less cocksucking! Fun for the whole family.


The teacher we have for Stats is mindblowingly amazing. He gave us a discourse on rice. And glycemic indicies of such.

And it was interesting!

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