Monday, May 17, 2004

I think I just had the best day of my life.

I may have possibly just have had the best-fucking-day of my life, the utter coolness of it all is just sheer astoundment, wrapped in Morning Glory wrapping paper. It's kawaii beyond kawaii.

Slept badly tonight, only got couple of hours, with me waking up in the middle as well.

Day started pretty simply (Did not have pleasant morn, unfortunately). Had Anc history exam, for which I was pretty much entirely COLD (that seems to be my new buzz word). But thankfully the exam turned out to be surprisingly easy, even the extended response and assorted turned out to be nice and pie-like.

Then off to Jared's house for more funness, involving random antics of large words(placate!), unusual family members and of course, animals. Even though I was in a shitteh mood, and never actually did what I wanted to do, but was still being able to have FUN beyond imagining threw me off in a very delightful manner.

Then, on the way home, read the NICEST short story that I could have ever imagined on this day, wit, humour, and feel good. And feminism, don't forget the feminism.

Then back home, and just generally chatting with Inu and the brilliance of Bjork(YES!) spun me out. Raccons. Dreadlock dogs. *hyperventilates* SQUEAL!

Add to the fact that I have a free day tomorrow (YAY!) and with added promise of movie-watching and people. I think i'm going to start to play the blaspheming game.

Granted, I have to do work soon, and I have some things that I need to get off my chest, and a bunch of other stuff, and yet, this still wins. By several million miles.

I haven't done a post till this long cause i've been feeling so insanely hyper. My fucking fingers are trembling from the sheer fun of it all. Now I'm listening to Air and AMAZING.

All is full of love!

Mad song, and possibly the most perfect ending to Homogenic as well.

That little clay breathtaking. It's beautiful.It brings tears to my eyes. The purity, the utter simplicity and beauty of it...magic. It's about to close to perfection that i've ever seen.

Knees are hard.

I think it's the unexpected contrast thing that makes it so much better. It's like masochism, but not; it's better because you don't expect the accompanying relief. It's almost like karma; but with the strange ability to atleast minimally manipulate it to make stuff better.

Of course, there were some bad points today, but it's better if I leave them out. It's fun making memories. This place is like a memory workshop, tinkering with your days, changing, warping, distorting, and most of all remembering.

Gah. I'm out. My day didn't even have much happening in it, didn't have anything interesting, but man was it awesome. I don't care how crazy I sound, but FUN. I've said enough. Hope everyone has atleast one of these fun days in their life. Bye Bye. *waves*


Mintie said...

Finally you had one! OMFG its about time, W0000 YES!

it should be like this for you EVERYDAY damn it!

rishimon said...

Yeah, real subtle mintie, calling me stupid and all :P

Sif I could have this everyday. It doesn't work that way.

Mintie said...

Calling you stupid? huH? when?

I try to be nice, and you give me MORE shit :P