Sunday, May 09, 2004

Stabbing motions are made, while delicately perfumed pens dance across the scarred landscape...

And that's the working title of my new film, Stabbers and their perfumed pens that dance with them.

As you can tell, I am bored. Not just bored. Hella bored. Think boredom so bad that you would strain your brain trying to think of the boredom. And then some.

But yeah, my day was wasted slothfully, mostly, with helping rents out and learning Go.

Does the game frustrate you as much as it frustrates me? Man, I lose against damn comps, by like a huge margin. *grumbles at amazingly simple, but astoundingly difficult to even get marginally good at game.*

I have a bajillion things that I want to do, but won't do cause i'm LAZY.

I require a project/hobby. A nice one. Any suggestions?

Oh right, exams are there too. Study or something. Later.

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