Thursday, May 13, 2004

Reading again.

I've started reading again. I always should have been, have no idea why I sorta stopped. Reading short stories as they fucking rock, probably best form of literary fiction there is.

Kurt Vonnegut. Wow.

Have another two exams to go, and then i'm done. Yay! sort of.

Wow. That was weird...It's been a odd day. Truly it has. Au revoir.


Mintie said...

Not to be a party pooper


1. I am going to be a party pooper

2. That is by his son, not the one I love, but I assume you knew that

and 3

The most important point

3. Its shit

I've written better

so booya :P

rishimon said...

I know it's written by his son.

If you could write better, why don't you write then?! why don't you then!?

it's not bad.

Mintie said...

I do write better.


that was so much tripe, I'm ashamed it made your blog.


damn genes not carrying

rishimon said...

I'm surprised you made it on my blog! *grumbles*

And genes? I always thought you reproduced asexually :P