Sunday, October 10, 2004


Ok, this is probably a little mean and more than a little useless, but it's something that I should get rid of. To make myself look smart, I will use the word oft and an oft-used analogy: it's like one of those wounds that you have in your mouth that you know you shouldn't tongue, because you know that if you do, it'll take longer to heal, but it's there, and you just can't help yourself. That remark about generalising too much made such a wound on me, and i'm trying to apply the salve of explanation to it.

I can't particularly see how you can generalise too much. Everybody's view of life is a generalisation. Does anybody actually understand every single aspect of life?

To generalise, the number of facts for a hypothesis is INFINITE.

If anybody can prove to me that they perfectly understand any one object, that is, every single attribute that the object could possibly have, I will try and stop generalising for a year.

There. Badly worded, poorly written, but my mind is a bit clouded. Sayonara!

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