Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Heading for the hills

Cause we all know why.

My eyes decided to protest and revolt again, and chose the past couple of days to do so. Seeing a freaky white outgrowth on the inside of your eyelid is quite an occurence. Anyway, that saga is over, and we can get back to the ruthless oppression of the eyes that the bourgeoise scum practise so well.

I have decided not to sleep for the next few days, as to faciliate a few things:

1) The watching of anime, primarily the finishing of Trigun. At DVD quality. Vash is so cute. Won't even mention kuro-neko sama. Although there is this one episode which I have sneaking suspicions about...

2) The finishing of books, mainly Garp. It sounds much too like carp, which is a tropical fish and considered exotic in Australia. It must be stressed that it is quite delicious. To be truthful, this goal is probably more important than the above one, but it is obviously the more difficult one.

3) The control of excesses that the trappings of flesh can do to you. This has been a grievous, grievous matter for several weeks, which requires the intense application of lack of sleep and pie. Emphasise the pie.

The recent lack of blogging, as noted by NONE of you, has been caused by technical problems (as the lacking of g) leading to greater technical problems (as the lacking of the ENTIRE FREAKING ALPHABET...and several other related symbols. Thank god hieroglyphs still work.)

I have a new comp! Whee! Imma gonna fail everything. Oh well, Vash will soothe me...on those long, cold, lonely nights. Mmmm, scars.

Anyone, to cap this, funny line from Trigun:

"I've never seen anyone kick so much ass in my life."

1 comment:

Mintie said...

Dude, noted, and... sleep is good. Really, I have a mountain of shit, and I still sleep. Sleep good. Kapeesh?

My albums, if you dont remember are

Old World Underground, Where Are You... - Metric

Endtroducing - DJ Shadow

Since I Met You - The Avalanches

The Tyranny Of Distance - Ted Leo and the Pharmacists

and Woman King EP - Iron and Wine

Get kicking!