Saturday, February 19, 2005

I am a god

for I made it to a morning class. 1 out of 6 ain't bad.

Had...a VERY interesting day. That pool trip meant a lot to me, yet it didn't turn anything like I thought...Good, in a way. Not that that sentence meant, I'll live.

I really should pay Min-taec back.

I have lots of stuff to do! Just stuff! Crazy I say. Strangely uplifting, odd and foreign. Useful, in a another way.

I finished GARP! Another reason why I am a god. E-pro is on again! w00t! Go rage go.

I need to break it off with Piscourse! This relationship isn't good for both of us. I just need to find the gentle way to drop me off. Damn that'll be hard, he's such an emo fuck. Gah, people people, always such a problem.

Tschuss all my cool friends ^^

1 comment:

Mintie said...

I finished No Logo. Go me.