Monday, February 21, 2005

There has to be better reasons for failing

than goddamn reality TV. It's a new low when even the reality bits seem scripted. They could atleast get better actors. Crass greed wins again. Joy.

I hate hate HATE low-Quality products. It's even worse when the veneer of style is applied. Note that the style can be an intellectual one as well.


Actually, there's an very interesting history behind the history of the word crass. It originates from a Roman, Marcus Crassus. The crass Mr. Crassus, to borrow from National Geographic, was just that. In addition to being a wealthy patrician, he had some more questionable habits. One of his favourite schemes, for example, was his horse-drawn fire 'engine'. Whenever a fire broke out in Rome (quite often, considering the construction of plebian insulae at the time) he would send out his water cart. When it arrived at its intended destination, he would begin negotiation about the price of his service. His negotiations would be drawn out enough and high enough that the hapless owner, watching his house go down in flames, would agree to any price. This usually meant that the owner ended up paying Crassus rent for the rest of his life.

Now that you mention it, Crassus had a fairly interesting life. Wanting political favour, he once threw a week-long feast, consisting of ten thousand tables, and merited out corn for the next three months. Eventually, he did become part of the triumvirate, sitting with our ever-favourite Julius Caesar and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, also known as Pompey (intense rival of Caesar, by the way).

Now, Caesar, knowing that Crassus would be a liability to him, sent him off to battle the Parthians, a constant source of friction for the Romans. Crassus arrived, and Crassus lost. He was killed in the battle, and rumour has it that after the battle the Parthians, meeting the man who was always after gold, poured gold down his throat so that his thirst for gold be atleast quenched in death.


I'm listening to Medulla a lot! It is a super great album. I loves it very much I do, much like its creator.

So why the hell is there a cat in Triumph of the Heart? It's a goddamn cat, I swear. Cute, in a way, but still, a cat can get a piece in good music than say, anyone I know.

BAHAHAHAHAH Disney movies. *wipes tear* So so cheesy, you could almost eat it and fall sick. Silencio!

Anyway, now that this tirade is over and I am ever so closer to failing, Tschuss all!

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