Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Making impressions.

Hey man, that's not cool.
- Fish found at Makeout Reef making out with a pillow.
Indeed, if that's not cool, what is?
I'll tell you what's cool. You can rely on me for that. Currently, souffles are cool. Dirty dirty fingernails are not. At ALL.
Debating on whether I should to teh beach morrow. I do need to study English and it would be nice, but...I am also le tired. So far it looks like the French will win.
Hah. As if the French won anything. Unless this was Civ, and I was the Joan of Arc(why??).
I also need to get a present. Or maybe someone will give me a present, thereby short-circuiting that tedious and circuitous process of getting a present.
I am being sinful by not studying. I'll go do that now.

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