Saturday, October 22, 2005

Wow! Britney's got her body back!

Take that, alien bodysnatchers!

It's slightly offputting to realise that Chode has a very similar style of humour to me. However, what he lacks in wit, he makes it up for in...some weird combination of sheer randomness and quantity. I, on the other hand, lack nothing.

Ebay has become that gracious 2nd (third? first even?) home of mine. I've spent enough time on there to realise what is a bargain and what isn't and such. That, and spelling look with @ is always guaranteed to bring in viewers! Or annoy the hell out of me. For example: l@@k! See what I mean?

Also, i'm starting to like the dog. We're both casually indifferent towards each other. I stroke her sometimes, but with no real heart. But she is useful in the sense she starts barking at people. Like an early warning system. She is like the boy who cried wolf, cept this boy is a bitch (oh yeah, legitimate usage...that feels good) and goes woof. We all know what happened to that boy.

So, to date, have not done any maths study. Lounging around, getting a popper out, squeezing the juice out on to a glass, which I then drank with a straw...I feel like the Grand Poo-bah of The Sultanate of Granite Benchtops. I did do some sieging though, a couple of dungeons here and there. Reaffirmed my love of Kagan, whom I will endeavour to buy through any freaking means possible. Now sucking on popper straw. S'alright.

Chomsky won top intellectual! By a long shot too. And here is your moment you're missing out on:

'Wow dad, you saved me from the evil monster!'
'Yeah I do that...Along with needlepoint, which is artsy and relaxing!'

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