Tuesday, December 30, 2003

We’re just holding on to nothing
To see how long nothing lasts

See, no title for a change.

I've put on weight, steeped myself in culture, trying to get flexible in every context possible and I have to start exercising seriously.

So many things to do, and so much time to do them...

I can't be bothered to talk. It's 2 in the morn here, don't ask what I'm doing up. I'm a little unsure I should sleep or not, I probably will. It's not really that important.

What do you value more? kindness or loyalty?

Otherwise, I might be going away for New Years, so Happy New Years and all (though my utilitarian side doesn't really see anything special about it, it's just another day, just another year....)

Hope people have fun in whatever they're doing, I'm feeling kinda depressed from sleep deprivation and listening to Sea Change. Yes, I probably should go to sleep, but nyeh.

To all I wish good luck and happiness.


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